Support City Lyric Opera’s 2024-2025 Season

Support City Lyric Opera’s 2024-2025 Season image

At City Lyric Opera, we believe that opera should be accessible to all. Our productions amplify new voices, bring fresh perspectives to classic works, and create immersive, intimate performances that resonate with today’s audience. As we embark on our 2024-2025 season, we invite you to join us in continuing to break down barriers and build a vibrant opera community in New York City.

Why Your Support Matters

City Lyric Opera is dedicated to showcasing emerging artists, championing underrepresented voices, and fostering a welcoming space for everyone to experience the magic of opera. Your generous donations allow us to:

  • Present world-class performances in intimate settings that bring audiences closer to the music and the stories we tell.
  • Uplift diverse voices by commissioning new works and engaging underrepresented artists and creators.
  • Offer affordable tickets to ensure that everyone, regardless of income, has the opportunity to experience opera.
  • Educate and inspire the next generation through outreach programs that bring opera to schools and communities across the city.

Make a Difference Today

By donating to City Lyric Opera, you become part of a passionate community of supporters who believe in the transformative power of the arts. Whether you’re able to give $25, $100, or $500, every contribution helps us achieve our mission.

Your gift ensures that we can continue creating boundary-pushing performances, building an inclusive opera culture, and sharing our love for the art form with audiences near and far.

Become a Monthly Donor

Help sustain City Lyric Opera’s impact year-round by joining our monthly giving program. With a recurring donation, you provide the steady support we need to keep producing groundbreaking work and delivering inspiring experiences.

Thank You

Your support is invaluable to us. Together, we can make opera a more inclusive, exciting, and accessible art form for all.